Happy Easter 2008 Reflections of Christ artwork on display in Arizona

Today is Easter.

We don't give gifts at our home, we share our thoughts about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. My wife wrote cards to each of our children sharing her witness that Jesus saves. It was wonderful to see how happy my kids were this morning.

Please take a moment to visit the web page for an Easter pageant held in Arizona. The music and artwork are amazing. I am sure your heart will be touched as mine was. The artwork is on display in Mesa, Arizona and the collection is called Reflections of Christ. Truly inspiring.

Thoughtful reader, I wish you the best, and I too believe it is time to celebrate, for Christ has surely risen from the dead. Rejoice, and be glad.

Here is a short clip of the filming of the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist.

1 comment:

appreciable said...

Dear Fleeting Thoughts,

That was a cool slide show! Thank you for posting the link to it!

