Youth encouraged to gain mastery and self-respect

The Los Angeles Times reports in a story titled Study links TV and depression that every hour of TV watched as a teenager adds about 8% more risk of developing depression as an adult. Dr. Brian Primack recommends positive social, academic, and athletic activities that can give youth a sense of mastery and self-respect. He goes on to suggest that TV teaches kids to be passive, and to judge themselves against fictional characters whose looks and accomplishments seem out of reach.

Now why would I post something like this while I am talking about Mormons? Well, the answer is quite simple really. Mormon youth participate in weekly activities called Mutual. Mutual is what some other religions call the Youth Ministry, World Assembly for Youth or Institute for Youth. The term Mutual comes from the original name of the Youth organization created by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The organization was called the Mutual Improvement Association and focused on providing youth the opportunity to develop positive social, academic, and athletic activites. I found this image from a play produced by the Mutual Improvement Association in 1920 quite funny. Great costumes and J.R. Sorenson sure looks the part of an old timer. Notice the M.I.A. Dramatics title as well.

Anyway, I simply found this interesting. I hope TV and video games don't consume so much time that no one has time to reach out and help others. It's pathetic when people sitting right next to each other would rather text each other instead of talk. Interpersonal communication is a fading skill, it's a good thing the LDS Church encourages home teaching, church attendance, mutual and service. Somebody's got to be out and doing.

1 comment:

appreciable said...

Dear Fleeting_Thoughts,

This is a great message. I loved the humor about the "Come out of the Kitchen" Title. Many do need to come out of the TV and Computer room as well.

Great post!


-Appreciable Goodfaithpoet